25 November 2007


"Be honest and unmerciful" - Lester Bangs

Last night I waited in high anticipation for a highly energized and nostalgic show from BPR, hoping the oldtimers would bring back some memories when "rock kangkang" was the IN thing.

And what did I get? The ever-camera-friendly Joey's struggling attempt to sing their own songs (and to remember the band's history too?) and a show made to be forgettable. Thank God, Awang was there to save the day.

It was quite surprising considering the fact that BPR are currently in studio, making new music for their forthcoming album. Aren't they supposed to be in top form then?

Or maybe I expected too much? Sigh.

As for the guest band, Khalifah. Hmm, one could've not missed the cruel "tak-puas-hati" look on Yabang's (vocalist) face when Joey was still happily associating him with his former band, Jinbara. Suddenly, ka-poww! Khalifah performed Jinbara's top hit, followed by three other songs with the all-too-familiar "padang pasir" style. Isn't it ironic? Sigh again.


Anonymous said...

Sigh... tu la jgn expect tinggi sgt band melayu skrg. Aku ada satu lagu nak rekomen kau dgr, cukup serasi dgn experince kau tu. The Biggest Mistakes (of my life) by Rolling Stone. Album: A Bigger Bang! SEIR

N a d i a said...

betui le encik seir.;-)
the biggest mistake (of my life)?..wokeyy..nanti akan dicari. bila fulus suda mari..hehe